Outpatient Overview


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​This section contains statewide information on ambulatory surgery rates, county populations, and patient origins.  It is designed to give an overview of ambulatory surgery use in Indiana during January - December of selected year.  ZIP code aggregates for county populations are used consistently for all reports.

Utilization Trends by County

Using the ZIP Code aggregate county population figures as a base, rates per thousand population were calculated for ambulatory patients and listed alphabetically by county.  Fourth quarter, of selected year, data is trended against third calendar quarter, and 12 month aggregate information.

Utilization Trends by Service Line

This report is designed to profile Indiana statewide ambulatory patient utilization by service line.  Statewide rates were calculated for each service line and displayed by age group.  Service lines are aggregates of CPT codes, using CCS weighted values.

Ambulatory surgery service lines are assigned by Thomson Reuters.  No direct correlation exists between the inpatient and ambulatory surgery service lines.

Statewide Overview - Hospital Comparative Profiles

This report contains total cases, average cases per weekday, and average cases per weekend trended through three quarters with a 12 month aggregation for comparison.  It is very important when tracking hospitals' case loads that the "Ambulatory Participation by City" report be used to identify hospitals with partial data submissions.

Percentage of Patients Receiving Care in Home County (Annual Report) 

This report trends ambulatory surgery use rates by county of residence for the current year and previous 2 years.  No indication is made in this report as to where migrating patients receive care.

Population by County (Annual Report)

This report shows population data for current year and previous 2 years.   Population data comes from the National Planning Data Corporation (Claritas), and represents ZIP code aggregations for each county.