
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​S​peak U​​p. Be Heard​​​
You can make a difference by having your voice heard.  

Find your state lawmakers »​

​​​Contact​  the IHA Advocacy Team


Laura Brown Laura Brown, JD                                                                                   
Deputy General Counsel​

Contacts for the U.S. House of Representatives and  U.S. Senate

Health staff for Indiana's U.S. Senators:

Senator Todd Young 
Senator Mike Braun

Main U.S. Senator office phone numbers:

Senator Todd Young: (202) 224-5623
Senator Mike Braun: (202) 224-4814

Click ​he​re​​  to find your Indiana General Assembly lawmakers.

Health staff  for Indiana's U.S. Representatives:

Emails for U.S. Representatives:
Congressman Frank M​​rvan
Congres​sm​an An​dre ​​Carson
Congressman Jim Baird 
Congresswoman Rudy​ Yakym
Congres​swoman Victoria Spartz​
Congressman Greg Pence
Congressman Larry Bucshon
Congressman Erin Houchin
Congressman Jim Banks

​Regulations  Governing Indiana Hospitals

The following federal and state agencies develop the regulations that govern Indiana hospitals.

Resource-Icon.pngIHA and its legal counsel Hall Render have  guidelines to help you understand what records you need to retain and how long you will need to keep them. 
